Monday, July 6, 2009

The Beginning

So I am at this stage of my life were I don't have a job but need to make moves. I took the liberty to start working on my future company. I am in the beginning stages of the start of my media entertainment company. I have a website for it already that I am at this time reconstructing. I am also revising/editing scripts to get ready to film. Unlike most I am truly thinking outside the box and hope to stream live footage on the web of future projects. Its a process because I still need to get the logo and business cards made. I am taking all my talents and putting them to use. I down play my knowledge on things to keep people from asking can I help or show them to do things. Out of most my friends I'm probably the only one who can learn anything the deals with computer technology or electronics in the matter of minutes without trying. I will show the world just How Techno-Savy I Can Be!!!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Give It ATry

Been a couples weeks since my last post, this will be short...I've decided to not stress out. I gave myself a mini vacation to Xenia, Ohio and realized it wasn't what I needed. It was the car ride by myself; me, the open road, and my iPod. Life is something that shouldn't be rushed but taken in strives. I'm so at peace that I have started writing again. I have theses ideas just waiting to get out. Theses are the first steps to me get on track and getting to hollywood. Most have dreams....I HAVE REALITY!!!

To Those Who Listens and Understands, L8R

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

After Graduation

I use to think I had everything figured out. What I want to do in life and where I wanted to go. But now that's all changed. I just recently graduated in May from a four university, with no direction on where to go from here. With the all the congratulations and job well done, there was one question everyone always asked. What are you going to do now? My answer at the tell was the typical "Oh I'm going to take the year off and work. I plan to either go to graduate school or film school next fall. For now I'm just going to work at the school for the summer doing an internship". Yeah that's when everything was figured out. Now with the disappointment of budget problems on top of a hiring freeze at the school I'm out of a job for the summer and no clue where I'm going to go from here.
My ultimate goal is to become successful in the entertainment industry with my own production company. But I feel as if I'm in this rut. Being in this rut isn't fun. Especially when it feels as if your the only person in the entire world that's going through it. I have all these fantastic ideals with no way to achieve them. After hearing all the stories from other people about their post graduation, it's like it doesn't compare to what your going through but puts a better understanding on what they went through.
Now my days consist of of trying to find a job with the possibility of being stuck where I'm at...HOME!!!!!
Stay tuned to for more posting on my daily life!!!! C ya soon!!!!